Payment methods

Under Admin »“payment methods”, a distinction can be made between different ways of payment. For example, consider expenses accounted for through an employee's debit card or through a business credit card. In the first case, the amount must be refunded to the employee, while this does not have to be done with the credit card. Payment instruments are only available for regular expenses and not for mileage or compensations.

Payment methods only need to be created for business payment instruments. If the bill was paid with the employee's private money, the employee should not choose a payment method. It is therefore not necessary, for example, to add the payment methods "cash" or "private debit card".


Payment methods can be deactivated. In this case, this field is not displayed when entering an expense. In the other case, specifying a payment method can be also made a required field when creating an expense. If no payment method is selected, the app or web application will indicate that the expense can not be saved unless a payment method is selected.

Add payment method

When creating a payment method, a name can be entered. For each payment method, you can use a different code for the back office to process the paid costs. In addition, payment instruments can be assigned to specific employees. This is useful, for example, when a business credit card is made available to each person. If the employee then selects a payment method for an invoice, only their own credit card will be displayed instead of all credit cards.

Expense overview

In the expense overview, expenses via a business payment instrument are displayed with a credit card symbol.


The expense report displays besides the total amount, the amount to be refunded. This means that the employee knows what amount he can expect to be reimbursed. Explanations of payment methods are also displayed in reports.