Both the mobile app and web application over the same two overviews: Expenses and Reports. These views offer you great overview of any previously added or reported expenses and their current status.
Because all expenses should be added to a report prior to submitting, the expense overview will only list expenses not added to report yet by default. This way you'll instantly know which expenses still need to be reported. Change the filters to show overviews of expenses that have reported or already submitted.
The reports overview shows a list of all expense reports. Usually your company will require you to report your expenses throughout a period of one month. An obvious report title would then be "August 2014". If you’ve made expenses during a specific event, you may choose a different title such as "Businesstrip New York" to better clarify what your expense claim is about.
You'll have to submit expense reports on your own. To submit a report open it and then click on the submit button