Overview of expenses

In the mobile app as well as in the web application, there are two overviews: Expenses and Reports. Those overviews enable a fast and easy access to the entered receipts, reports and their status.


Because expenses have to be submitted regularly through a report, only those expenses are shown, which were not assigned to a report yet. Through this way it is immediately visible, which expenses still have to be assigned to a report. It can be also applied a filter to get a fast overview of the expenses which were already assigned to a report or which were already submitted through one.


In the reports overview, all expense reports are visible Usually, a time frame of one month is used for companies to submit reports. A reasonable title for a report would be in this case for example “November 2017”. If it concerns a certain business trip, the expenses should be assigned to, there can be also a report created with a title like “Business Trip New York”, to handle those expenses separately.

It will be expected from the employees that they submit their expenses by themselves. This can be done through a click on the respective report and then on the “send”-Button or in the App on the symbol. By default the assigned manager is entered as the recipient.


Do you want to display the expenses of a certain employee? Or do you only want to see the expenses from a certain timeframe? You can then apply a filter on the left side of the screen. Here you can, besides searching for a certain description or entering a certain timeframe, also choose from different default filters. For example a certain category or a certain employee.